Normal Hair Loss Is a Natural Process unlike Excess Loss

Although hair loss is certainly distressing and can easily damage ones self-confidence but the fact is that all of us suffer hair loss of some kind or the other at some time or the other in our life. Every day, we all tend to generally lose about 100-500 hairs as a part of the natural hair growth cycle as far as the hair follicles are concerned. This is absolutely normal and one need not worry about this.

But of course, there are certain times in our life when a larger than normal hair loss occurs. Some instances are like when we are ill, have undergone surgery, have disease, anxiety, or during pregnancy. Sometimes we may experience a major changing event in our life or may just unnecessarily worry about our hair loss! Anyways, all of the above said problems are curable and are often, just a condition on a temporary basis.

Excess Hair Loss Can Be Effectively Regulated

It would be better to learn about some techniques of relaxation or meditation in order to lower the level of overall stress which will not only slow down the hair loss but also bring good improvement in one’s well-being and health in general! If you keep your body in a good and healthy state, then this too can surely have a notable positive impact on preventing your excess hair loss. General health facilitates scalp growth and fluent blood flow, and this itself is very essential to the natural growth and life cycle of the hair follicles.

A balanced diet and ample exercise have been proven to play vital role in controlling hair loss. Avoid the overuse of tough shampoos and treatments used for colouring the hair because excessive use of these products is sure to affect your hair strands adversely and cause breakage and thinning of hair. This means that the replacement of your dead hair follicles will not be able to take place in a fast pace, thereby resulting in increasing baldness!

Also try to avoid using hair dryers or curlers as this dry heat dries out your hair, causing it to break. There are a number of pharmaceutical products available now which can help with the prevention and restoration of hair loss, generally available in pill form and lotion. It is equally important to start with these treatments as soon as you happen to notice any sort of abnormal hair loss. First of all, you ought to determine if you are suffering from any other health conditions which can also probably cause hair loss. A visit to your physician can prove worth for this purpose.

If you make a decision to use certain hair product, then you ought to have patience and give it enough time to produce effective results. Some products can take even 3-6 months in order to attain visible results. Often you may have to keep on using the product without discontinuing, so that your new hair growth is promoted effectively.

Medical experts are keenly researching to develop much more effective products to tackle hair loss. So, better watch out! It can be thus concluded that in today’s world, hair loss need not be something which is interfering with your lifestyle by adversely affecting your social life, mood, and also, general well being. For more information on hair loss, please visit –